Bellucia pentamera flowers start pure white, turn pure light chocolate color
You may see the tree with primarily white flowers. Or, you may notice only brown flowers. Depends on which month. We found mostly brown flowers.
You can see this Bellucia pentamera tree in bloom on the hill of Where the Pirates Hide, overlooking Livingston
Tell your tuc-tuc driver you want to go to the edge of Livingston, where, literally at the end of the street is the base of the hill. Meet your local guide there and climb the hill.
Keep in mind that different plants bloom in different months. We photographed the Bellucia pentamera tree in bloom during December.
Contact George Reanu, the owner of the Finca Where the Pirates Hide; his phone is 4272 5823; if dialing from outside, 502 4272 5823.
502 is area code for the entire country and for every city.
Instagram is @where_the_pirates_hide
The flowers of Bellucia pentamera are listed as cauliflorous by botanists
Although the flowers bloom primarily from the branches, and not from the trunk, nonetheless, when I was standing next to this tree I estimated it was an example of cauliflory. And yes, these flowers of Bellucia pentamera are listed as cauliflorous by botanists.
We are finding several remarkable other trees that are fully cauliflorous: they flower, and they fruit, directly from the trunk. Lucas Cuz found one species in Tapon Creek nature reserve (FUNDAECO area). The other species is “by the thousands” along the shores of El Golfete and most of the rivers that feed into El Golfete. We will have separate publications on each species.
Bellucia costaricensis is synonym of Bellucia pentamera
In past centuries botanists used earlier names, such as Bellucia costaricensis. Today the correct accepted name is Bellucia pentamera.
- 2016
- Plantas utilizadas en alimentación humana por agricultores mestizos y Kichwas en los cantones Santa Clara, Mera y Pastaza, Provincia de Pastaza, Ecuador. Cultivos Tropicales, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 7-13
- 2009
- Distribution of Central American Melastomataceae: biogeographical analysis of the Caribbean islands. Acta Botánica Gallica. Vol. 156, No. 4. Pages 527-557.
Available Online:
- 2008
- Duke’s handbook of medicinal plants of Latin America. CRC Press. 832 pages.
Sold Online:
Note: information on page 94.
- 2006
- Flora útil etnobotánica de Nicaragua. Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales. 352 pages.
Available Online:
Note: information on page 128.
- 2017
- Guía ilustrada Flora cañón de rio Porce – Antioquia. 268 pages.
Available Online:
Note: Information on page 125.
- 1986
- Reproductive biology of Bellucia (Melostomataceae). Acta Amazónica. No. 17. Pages 197-208.
Available Online:
- 2014
- Inventario de Flora: Identificación y clasificación tazonómica de especies forestales y arbustivas del lote continuo al Cead del Municipio de Acacias, de propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia.
Available Online:
Note: Information on page 40
- 2001
- Síndromes de dispersión, polinización y sistemas sexuales de los árboles nativos de la estación biológica La Selva y áreas circundantes. 1ª edición. Costa Rica.
Available Online:
Suggested webpages with photos and information on Aphelandra aurantiaca
Synonyms and general information
Useful photos and location map
Useful photos
Very nice photos
Information and photos
Updated February 2021
by Dr Nicholas Hellmuth and Vivian Hurtado, FLAAR Mesoamerica.
First post 2017 by Marcela Sarti.