
Bibliography on water-related orchid Sobralia macrantha, Lirio de San Juan

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Terrestrial orchids and water-related orchids of Guatemala

Ever since I found a water-associated orchid at Parque Nacional Yaxha Nakum Naranjo in October 2018, I have become interested in any and all orchids which like to grow along the shore, or on floating masses of reeds away from the shore. Plus I am also interested in terrestrial orchids. Sobralia macrantha is a typically adaptive orchid: it can live on tree trunks, on rocks which have appropriate plant material already on them, and on the ground.

Our long range goal is to make a list of all terrestrial orchids and all water-associated orchids (rivers, lakes, swamps, bogs, etc) that may be expected in the diverse eco-systems of Parque Nacional Yaxha Nakum Naranjo, Peten, Guatemala. In other words, can Sobralia macrantha be found here? If you would like to join our search, either in-person on a field trip, or via your computer (from video and photos that we can send you), your donations will really help our field work to find terrestrial and water-related orchids.

Although there are exposed bedrock and other exposed limestone areas in the park, I do not expect to find many lithophytic orchids, but we will be on the lookout for them.


PDF, Articles, Books on Sobralia macrantha

  • BATEMAN, James
  • 2010
  • Orchids of Mexico and Guatemala. John Denson. 175 pages.
  • TEJEDA, Olga and María Téllez
  • 2017
  • Riqueza de la familia Orchidaceae en un bosque mesófilo de montañaen Chocomán, Veracruz, México. Acta Botánica Mexicana. No. 121. Pages 139-149.

    Available Online:

Suggested webpages with photos and information on Sobralia macrantha
Information about the bloom of S. macrantha in Guatemala.
Photo and information.


By far the majority of information on orchids is how to raise them in your greenhouse.
We are looking for information on what kind of eco-systems they grow in, and in which parts of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Peten, or Belize these orchids may be near or adjacent to rivers, lakes, or swamps.
If you know an article or discussion where the author has noted (and even better if the author has photographed where the orchid is growing) this would help our research. For example, is growing on the shore a habitat for this orchid species in the Mayan areas?
Our goal is to make a list of what water-related orchids and what terrestrial orchids (even if not on the shore) we can find at Parque Nacional Yaxha Nakum Naranjo, Peten, Guatemala; adjacent to Parque Nacional Tikal).
Contact: nhellmuth symbol


First posted December, 2018
Bibliography prepared by Marcella Sarti, FLAAR Mesoamerica (Guatemala).
Text by Nicholas Hellmuth, FLAAR (USA).

PNYNN and Livingston reports

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