Cacao alone had so many spices that I have a separate chapter on flavorings just for chocolate. Despite all the condiments for cacao (especially among the Aztec royality), the typical food of the average Maya is nowhere near as spiced as food in India, which is the most
Allspice is a berry, Pimenta gorda, Pimenta racemosa This does not mean a mixture of all spices. “allspice” is one single spice. The spice comes from a berry-sized fruit. But the leaf is the part that I use the most: to make a tea.
Pimienta gorda flavorings condiments for food in pre Columbian diet of Guatemala Mexico Belize and Honduras.
Achiote, Annatto is the bright red colorant that comes from a mass of seeds inside a pod, Bixa orellana.
This seed is probably more a colorant than a flavor, but I put it in both sections.
Achiote is best known for Alta Verapaz, but also grows in the Peten Lowlands. I have an achiote sprouting in my garden (from seed). But it will take several years before I learn whether it will flower and seed at 1500 meter elevation.
Bishop Landa found achite even in Yucatan: There is a tree that the Indians raise near their houses, bearing spiny pods like chestnuts, but not so large nor so rough; they open when ripe and contain small seeds which both Spaniards and Indians use to color their condiments, as one does with saffron; the color is marked, and stains a great deal [achiote]. (Landa, Gates translation, p. 106).
bay-leaves Litsea glaucescens
boldo, Peumus boldo
Chia, Salvia hispanica; seeds used; in juice; sprouts, etc
Chipilin, Crotalaria longirostrata. Unique flower; Parts edible, part toxic (Morton 1994)
Chili peppers are spices we cover in the section on vegetables, Capsicum species
Chile jalapeño verde spices flavorings condiments for foods in pre Columbian diet of Guatemala Mexico Belize and Honduras.
Chile jalapeño rojo spices flavorings condiments for foods in pre Columbian diet of Guatemala Mexico Belize and Honduras.
Chile waque spices flavorings condiments for foods in pre Columbian diet of Guatemala Mexico Belize and Honduras.
Coriander, Porophyllum ruderale
Culantro, cilantro, samat, Eryngium foetidum (Chizmar 2009:40-41). Do not confuse this with original cilantro, which is not prehispanic. This is one of the few flavorings which has positive attributes in every aspect. So many other natural foods are terrible poisons in one aspect and only edible in a narrow range of circumstances.
Cilantro flavorings condiments for food in pre Columbian diet of Guatemala Mexico Belize and Honduras.
Hoja Santa, Piper auritum
Marigold, Tagetes minuta and Tagetes elliptica. This flower is used to flavor cacao. Overall the marigold has many uses in diet and religious observences of the Maya people.
Marigold Tagetes minuta and Tagetes elliptica this flower is used to flavor cacao Guatemala Central America.
Probably another dozen spices could easily be added, though most modern spices come from India, Asia, Africa, or Europe. For example, coriandum sativum, cilantro, is not indigenous to Mesoamerica.
First posted August 17, 2011.