Posted February 14, 2025
by Nicholas Hellmuth
On Wednesday, February 19, at 8 pm ET, there will be a literally amazing PowerPoint presentation that shows rain forest ecosystems with amazing wild tropical plants that are edible.
We will show over 200 full-color photos of edible flowers and plants with other edible parts, including the largest native seed pod (as long as a long watermelon). The seeds could also make cacao (but the tree is not a Theobroma cacao tree). The flower of this Pachira aquatica, zapoton, tree is an inspiration for the “fleur de lis” painted on Late Classic Maya vases, bowls and plates.
There are over 600 wild plants in Guatemala that are edible and well over 200 of these are in the Reserva de la Biosfera Maya (RBM) of the north half of Peten (from Lake Peten Itza north to the Campeche border). The PowerPoint presentation via ZOOM will show you plants not in most documentary TV programs because no TV team wants to hike as deep into remote areas of the rain forests as the FLAAR team enjoys to explore.
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IMS, Institute for Maya Studies, lecture organized by Jim Reed of IMS to be presented by Nicholas Hellmuth based on research on ecology and biology and biodiverse ecosystems of Peten during the recent six years by the entire team of biologists and ecologists of FLAAR Mesoamerica.