Our Mayan assistants know plants which are not in textbooks on Mayan agriculture. Our Q’eqchi’ Mayan assistants are writing articles which have information missing from peer-reviewed journals by university professors in USA and Europe.
In remote mountain villages, the kids there are capable of all this, but often the school is a 4-hour hike back-and-forth (not only no school bus, not 4WD pickup available either).
Here is A written with avocados.
Here is Z written with zapotes.
Our goal is to have ABC books and also animated videos (so people can watch them on their mobile phones). We will use local plants to form each letter of all the ABCs.
We have initiated a series of programs to help education of children in remote areas.
In addition to A, B, C…W, X, Y, Z we will also of course spell out entire words.
Once funding is available, we will also indicate which vitamins, minerals, and other healthy proteins are in each natural food.
This way we can help parents (and grandparents) learn about vitamins, minerals, and food values, in addition to learning how to read.
We can also do these educational concepts in the local Mayan languages, such as Q’eqchi’, Pokomchi, Kaqchiquel and of course we would want to do all the languages of Guatemala.
We welcome contacts with companies, foundations, and individuals who would like to help us: FrontDesk “at” FLAAR dot ORG
Posted Sept. 4, 2017