There is a tree that grows parallel to Highway CA9, from about km. 88 to km. 100+ (but not in stream beds that cross this bosque seco; these stream beds are moist; a hundred meters away it is bone dry desert: all kinds of cacti plants here. The one we show here at first I thought was a “tree” but then Victor Mendoza identified the tree as a cactus named _Pereskia lyechnidiflora_. Vivian Hurtado prepared a web page with description and bibliography. I added my photos.
For the past decade, since we do field work in Peten and now in Izabal, we drive through the bosque seco parallel to Highway CA9 and the Motagua River. A mountain chain is several kilometers to the north (that creates a rain shadow, so the area on the north side of the mountain gets drenched with rain (caught by the mountain tops); so when the clouds finally make it over to the foothills, there is not much water in them (so not much rain except during a short rainy season)).
Pereskia lyechnidiflora
Photos by Nicholas Hellmuth with an iPhone 12 Pro Max, 2021.
Posted February 16, 2021